We are in a weighty war for the minds, hearts and souls of every man, woman and child who will ever walk this creation.
At stake? Eternity.
The battlefield? Culture.
Culture—the way people think, act, talk, create, govern, educate, worship, work, spend money, form friendships and live life—can and should be rooted in the reality of the Gospel. These days, it can be tempting to feel like it never will be.
The good news is this:
together, we have the ability to transform the culture.
Join other lay Catholics from around Jacksonville for a half-day event full of the inspiration, encouragement and equipping to do just that.
Brought to you by FOCUS Alumni, Jacksonville YCP and Holy Family Parish
Prayer is the basis of all Christian life. If we desire to witness to others, we must first be connected to our Lord through prayer. As the Catechism reminds us: "Prayer is a battle. Against whom? Against ourselves and against the wiles of the tempter who does all he can to turn man away from prayer, away from union with God (CCC, 2725)."
Be inspired to cultivate this life of prayer with others who have experience in this battle as well. We'll worship together at Mass, and spend personal prayer time with our Lord in adoration.
Our prayer leads us to witness, and our witness is amplified when it’s surrounded in kind. Let’s build communities centered on Christ. Let’s build communities with a lifelong desire for mission. Let’s build communities that will transform the culture.
While participating in social time over meals, discussions and happy hours, you'll recognize you are not alone in your efforts to build Catholic culture in your local community. You'll have time to share stories that call to mind the building of a city in which Christ and his Church have been restored to the center of the human narrative.
While hearing content drawn from Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World), you'll be wrapped up in the drama of the Gospel and reconvicted that this is a call for everyone.
Imagine a culture where Catholic principles are lived out and taught. The Catholic Culture Tour will remind you of the necessity to live a life of prayer and give witness to the joy of the Gospel. Come join us and be empowered to build authentic Catholic culture throughout Jacksonville!
Marie Putbrese is originally from Des Moines, Iowa, but now calls St Louis, Missouri home. She got involved with FOCUS at Benedictine College and spent seven years as an on-campus missionary—one year at the University of Memphis and six at Lindenwood University.
In May 2024, she joined the Alumni team, eager to continue to build up a community of faith and support alumni in their journeys of lifelong mission towards spiritual multiplication.
When she’s not working, you’ll probably find her belting out some tunes at karaoke, piecing together puzzles, or hosting get-togethers with her neighbors and friends.
11:00 a.m. // Registration Opens
Check-in starts at Holy Family. Stop by for nametags and a warm welcome! Open until the first keynote at 12:30.
11:30 a.m. // Lunch
FOCUS Alumni will cater lunch for all attendees. Gluten-free and dairy-free accommodations will be provided.
12:30 p.m. // Keynote 1: Intimacy with Christ
Marie Putbrese speaks on the impact a life of prayer can have on us and the people in proximity. This content will inspire you to establish and continue a life of prayer. (Childcare begins, available until Mass.)
1:00 p.m. // Small Group Discussions
Discuss the talk content and relevant real-life examples with other attendees, sharing the trials and triumphs of your experience living a life of intimacy with Christ.
1:30 p.m. // Adoration + Confessions
Spend time before our Eucharistic Lord in individual silent prayer. Priests will be available to hear confessions.
2:45 p.m. // Keynote 2: Living Mission
Listen and learn from James Dunnigan on how the explicit sharing of Jesus' saving work is necessary for a true evangelization of culture. Building on the previous talk, this content will empower you to discern and invest in your personal mission.
3:15 p.m. // Small Group Discussions
Discuss the talk content and relevant real-life examples with other attendees, sharing the trials and triumphs of your experience living mission in your local community. (Childcare concludes after this discussion time.)
4:00 p.m. // Vigil Mass
Come celebrate an anticipatory Sunday Mass with the community at Holy Family.
5:00 p.m. // Happy Hour + Hors d'oeuvres
Enjoy drinks and appetizers as you continue to build friendships and socialize with other attendees. Sponsored by Jacksonville YCP. Event concludes at 7 p.m.
Yes, childcare will be available onsite! It will be open from 12:30-4 p.m. (the majority of programming). Childcare is open to children ages 18 months through 8 years and will be staffed by Holy Family employees. There are spots for 20 children, so register early to secure your spot. Sign your kid(s) up by indicating the number on your registration form.
Childcare registration will close once capacity has been reached. The registration form will indicate when childcare is full, and offer you an option to be waitlisted.
Children not eligible for childcare are welcome to join you for the event! The talk and discussion content is centered on living a life of prayer and evangelization, which could be of interest to older kids, or they could bring quiet activities along.
All children will be with their families for lunch, Mass and our evening social hour.
This event is open to everyone! The content will ask you to reflect on and grow in your life of prayer and evangelization, and is best suited to an audience open to doing so. Children are welcome to join you, either in childcare or with you in programming.
No! This event is presented by FOCUS Alumni in partnership with Jacksonville Young Catholic Professionals and Holy Family Parish, and draws attendees from all three organizations (and beyond). Prior involvement with FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students) is not necessary.
No cost! Come enjoy a day of prayer, conversation and community building, all on us. Costs are covered by FOCUS Alumni.
We'll be providing lunch plus heavy appetizers during our evening social hour. Snacks and coffee will also be available. Gluten-free and dairy-free options will be offered, but let us know on the registration form if you've got other dietary needs.
We'll be utilizing Holy Family Catholic Church's facilities in Jacksonville. We'll be in the main chapel for Mass and prayer, and the multipurpose room for the rest of our programming. Signage and our friendly staff will be posted to help guide you.
Holy Family's address is 9800 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256.
Parking is available in the church's lot.
Come for part of it! We know nap schedules and other commitments come up, so join us for what you can. Please let us know if you won't be joining us for the whole day. This can be done by replying to our final details email closer to the event.
A journal or notebook, prayer items (Bible, devotional, etc.) and a water bottle are all suggested. Bring anything else you need!
Let's transform the culture together.